ASSAf is PURCO SA's 50th member
PURCO SA is proud to announce that the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) has joined our stable of members, bringing our numbers to 50.
ASSAf is the only government-recognised national science academy in South Africa and we are delighted to welcome it into our ranks.
Founded in 1996, ASSAf’s raison d’être is to develop the intellectual capacity of South Africa and promote innovative scholarly thinking. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific advice on issues of national interest to government and other interested parties, publish its findings and recommendations and acknowledge the achievements of distinguished South African scientists.
The Academy’s activities are guided by the ASSAf Act (Act 67 of 2001) and a set of established regulations that collectively comprise the Academy’s constitution.
The ASSAf Council comprises 13 members, of whom 12 are elected from the membership and one is appointed by the Minister of Science and Technology as a representative of the National Advisory Council on Innovation (NACI). The Academy has five office-bearers: the President, two Vice-Presidents, General Secretary and Treasurer.
The appointment of advisors to the ASSAf Council is executed in terms of a Regulation of the Constitution.
The Council has three standing committees: an Executive Committee comprising the office-bearers that allows for decision-making on important matters in the intervals between Council meetings; an Audit Committee; and a Human Resources Committee. At least four Council meetings are held each year and Council elections are held every four years.
The number of founding members in 1996 was 100, which grew steadily to reach 423 in 2013. The criterion for election to membership of the Academy is significant achievement in the pursuit, advancement or application of science.
PURCO SA looks forward to a long and fruitful association with ASSAf.