PURCO SA Skills Training for the Membership
The PURCO SA training department is planning a one (1) day course on “The Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act” or PPPFA for PURCO SA Members. The training is in line with PURCO SA’s continued effort to contribute and support the skills development of our Colleagues at our Member Institutions.
The Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA) provided for the implementation of a procurement policy for a category of preference in awarding contracts, and for the protection and/or advancement of persons or categories of persons disadvantaged by unfair discrimination. The Act was aligned with the policy framework aims of the B-BBEE Act. Regulation 9 provided for local content/designation. The Act prescribed a two stage bidding process, with functionality and content considered in the first stage, and price and B-BBEE in the second. Actual problems experienced were that SOC empowerment targets were not disclosed, and statistics on companies empowered before 2011 were not provided. Oversight was possible through the release of procurement information, and advertising of tenders.” (Rantho, D. (2014) ‘Public Finance Management Act & Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act: implications for State Owned Companies". Available at: https://pmg.org.za/committee-meeting/17556/ (Accessed: 17 August 2021).
The Charted Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) will be facilitating the skills training. At the end of the course candidates will have a good understanding of the following legislation in keeping with codes of best practice:
- Public Finance Management Act
- Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act
- Treasury Regulations
- Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Regulations 2017
The training will take place online via Microsoft Teams on the 18th of August 2021 from 09H00 to 17H00. This one-day training will include all course material, presentations, etc., all at no cost to the attendees.
The agenda for the training comprises of six (6) sessions throughout the course of the day, is as follows:
- Session 1: What is the purpose of the PFMA
- Session 2: Explain the objectives of the PFMA
- Session 3: Understand the treasury regulations
- Session 4: What is the purpose of the PPPFA
- Session 5: Objectives of the PPPFA
- Session 6: Understand the PPPF regulations
The training is open for all Members across all regions.
For more information, or to register for the training contact Pozisa Makonco at Pozisa.Makonco@purcosa.co.za copying Molemoshi Ramokolo at Molemoshi.Ramokolo@purcosa.co.za.
PURCO SA would like to thank the Membership for their continued interest in training and development, and look forward to seeing you at the training session.